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What is an evangelical? Confusion over the meaning of the term is causing some to give up identifying themselves as evangelicals, while others insist that any attempt to delineate the boundaries of evangelicalism should be abandoned. Dr. Beeke accepts as evangelical, those brothers who accept the authority of Scripture, trust only in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, and believe that the historic...

and attests of his trustworthiness as a guide to salvation, and his identity as the incarnate Son of God. 5. It asserts the historical reality of these events: ‘Christ died for our sins … he was buried, and … he rose again the third day … and he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve.’ These are historical facts, the facts that constitute the foundation of the Christian faith; hence the prominence given to these facts in documents such as the Apostles’ Creed. Paul’s argument is that if these facts
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